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Book a 60 or 90 minute session online by using any of the "Book Now" buttons located throughout the website.

Please call to discuss scheduling a 30 minute massage.


Inside Art of Wellness Chiropractic SC, 45 Hilldale Drive, Suite A, Hartford, WI 53027

Relaxation Massage

A relaxing and nurturing full body massage designed to soothe and relax you by calming the mind and body.  Firm but gentle pressure with long gliding strokes that are rhythmic and flowing are used along with soothing music. This type of massage is great for relieving muscle tension and can assist in lessening depression and anxiety, lowering blood pressure, enhancing sleep quality, improving concentration, and improving circulation.


*Essential oils can be included in your session to enhance your relaxation experience.

30 minutes | $45

60 minutes | $80

90 minutes | $115

Therapeutic Massage

A massage focused on the underlying structures of the body that may be causing pain, range of motion issues, or problems with mobility. Rather than completing a full body massage, treatment will be focused on the area of complaint such as the neck, shoulders, lower back, hip, etc.  Your condition will be assessed and a treatment plan will be established, which may include a series of regular massages with an evaluation at the end of each session to determine the appropriate continued course of therapy.  Therapeutic massage tools may also be incorporated with this course of treatment.

30 minutes | $45

60 minutes | $80

90 minutes | $115

Therapeutic Massage Cupping

Massage cupping treats pain and tightness by lifting connective tissues and releasing rigid soft tissues.  Suction from the cups lifts skin and fascia allowing nutrients to flow upward, drawing fluid to the skin, encouraging blood flow, loosening adhesions, and is a fast, easy way to accomplish myofascial release.  The cups may be moved around as well as left in place depending on each individual's therapeutic needs.  This therapy may help relieve back and neck pain, stiff muscles or fascia, headaches, fatigue, stress, and anxiety.


Fire is not used with this technique. Temporary skin discolorations resembling a bruise can occur from massage cupping, which can last from a few hours to as long as 2 weeks, but it is not painful.

30 minutes | $50

60 minutes | $85

90 minutes | $120

SMRT (Spontaneous Muscle ReleaseTechnique)

SMRT is a positional release modality used by bodyworkers to easefully and naturally prompt the client's body to regain homeostasis. SMRT uses passive contraction of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue to speak directly to the proprioceptors within these structures.  When the communication between the therapist and the proprioceptors is clear and easeful, the client's tissue responds by moving towards its most comfortable, balanced state.


This technique quickly and painlessly gets into deep tissues without the need to "dig deep."  Many clients report increased movement when the session is over and they experience relief for a longer period of time than they receive from other therapies.

30 minutes | $45

60 minutes | $85

90 minutes | $120

Gua Sha

An ancient Chinese healing technique that involves repeated pressed strokes over lubricated skin using a ceramic or metal tool to scrape the skin providing anti-inflammatory and immune system responses.  Since it may reduce inflammation, it is often used to treat ailments that cause chronic pain, such as arthritis and fibromyalgia, as well as those that trigger muscle and joint pain.  Gua Sha may also help relieve migraine headaches and neck pain as well as reduce perimenopausal symptoms.  Some clients may experience temporary indentation or bruising of their skin after a Gua Sha treatment, which usually disappears within a couple of days.

| Complimentary with a therapeutic treatment |

Cancellation Policies

Your appointment time is reserved exclusively for you.  Although we understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone's life, it is our desire to be effective and fair to all clients. Therefore, the following policies will be honored:



24 Hour Advanced Noticed is required when cancelling an appointment.  This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment.  If you are unable to give us 24 hours advance notice you will be charged the full amount of your appointment.  When booking online you will be required to pre-pay for your appointment.  You will not receive a refund if you give us less than 24 hours notice of the cancellation.  When booking by phone your credit card information will be collected at the time of booking to hold your appointment time.  Your credit card will only be charged if you give us less than 24 hours notice of the cancellation. (Exceptions may be made if you become sick overnight or have an emergency. These exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis.)


No Shows

Anyone who either forgets or consciously chooses to forgo their appointment for whatever reason will be considered a “no-show.” You will be charged the full amount for your missed appointment on the day you miss your appointment to the credit card we have on file.


Late Arrivals

If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending upon how late you arrive, your therapist will then determine if there is enough time remaining to start a treatment. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, you will be responsible for the “full” session. Out of respect and consideration to your therapist and other clients, please plan accordingly and be on time.

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